Between a rock and a hard place;  URL Category

If I do a URL category query on this URL:
It returns General Business and Technical Information.  All good.
But, I have a url like this:

It gets blocked by the Spam category.  And I've seen other instances, like Craigslist, where just goes through, but if there is additional information at the end of the URL it gets blocked as Spam.

So I seem to have 2 options:  #1 Choose to "Report a URL to Microsoft Reputation Service as incorrectly categorized". or #2 A URL category override on the Spam URL properties.
Neither of those are good options.  Because these types of url's are one-offs.  We'd be constantly doing #1 or #2.

Any other suggestions?  There must be many people out there experiencing this same problem.  There must be a better way to solve this.

July 19th, 2013 9:05am


Thank you for the post.

A URL may has multiple categories. TMG utilized Microsoft Reputation Service to find out the category of a URL. You may issue the an online query to MRS: or you can manually script URL overrides:


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July 22nd, 2013 5:22am


Thank you for the post.

A URL may has multiple categories. TMG utilized Microsoft Reputation Service to find out the category of a URL. You may issue the an online query to MRS: or you can manually script URL overrides:


July 22nd, 2013 4:09pm


MRS reports this URL as a spam regardless query. If "Neither of those are good options.  Because these types of url's are one-offs.  We'd be constantly doing #1 or #2." means overriding each query like llr=ykcn96bab&m=1101586139480&  then you just need to override this part Or override entire domain*. In both cases it will return self defined category.

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July 25th, 2013 2:10am

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